doctor of theology artinya
- doctor: doktor; mengobati; orang yg berijazah tinggi;
- theology: ilmu agama; ilmu ketuhanan; teologi; theologi
- doctor: doktor; mengobati; orang yg berijazah tinggi; tabib; dokter; mengganggu; doktoral; doktor gereja; medikus; dr; dokter hewan; membalut; menisiki; dokter perempuan; memperbaiki; membaiki; memugari; me
- Between September 1963 and May 1966 Sanders studied at Union Theological Seminary, New York City, for his Doctor of Theology degree.
Antara September 1963 dan Mei 1966, Sanders belajar di Union Theological Seminary, New York untuk gelar Th.D-nya. - Jackelén was ordained a priest in the Church of Sweden in 1980 and became Doctor of Theology at Lund University in 1999.
Jackelén diangkat menjadi pendeta di Gereja Swedia pada 1980 dan menjadi Doktot Teologi di Universitas Lund pada 1999. - He obtained degrees as bachelor of social services at the University of Buenos Aires and as doctor of theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina.
Ia memperoleh gelar sarjana sebagai layanan sosial di Universitas Buenos Aires dan sebagai dokter teologi di Kepausan Universitas Katolik Argentina. - For his devotion to ministry in the Holy Land, Theodosios was granted an honorary Doctor of Theology degree from the Sofia Theological Institute in Bulgaria.
Atas jasa pelayanannya di Tanah Suci, Theodosios meraih gelar Doktor Teologi Kehormatan dari Institut Teologi Sofia di Bulgaria dan gelar Archimandrite. - After entering active service in the Methodist ministry in 1946, de Silva pursued his tertiary education, obtaining qualifications including a Bachelor of Divinity degree, two Master's degrees, and a Doctor of Theology degree.
Setelah masuk pelayanan aktif dalam pelayanan Methodis pada 1946, de Silva melanjutkan pendidikannya, meraih kualifikasi yang meliputi sebuah gelar Bachelor of Divinity, dua gelar Master, dan sebuah gelar Doctor of Theology.